Vasil Petrov
Vasil Petrov is managing director of Lean Institute Bulgaria, part of Lean Global Network (LGN). LGN finds its root back in time with the people who originally gave the term lean to the world – Womack and Jones. Our objective is to share lean thinking and practices across all industries. Currently there are over 200 active projects and the expertise of our consultants goes from software development, through healthcare, retail, heavy and light industries and s.o. Vasil has project experience in Europe, Asia and US, where he has implemented lean in organisations like Siemens, SAP, Delta Airlines and many other. He received his education in Germany, India and Australia, where he successfully acquired MBA degree. He is a black belt in Lean Six Sigma and speaks 6 languages.
Vasil will speak about “Industry 4.0 and Lean – the future ahead”